Prof. Pajtim Lutaj, President of the Pan-Albanian Association of Ophthalmology and the PAAO logo.
The ICO is pleased to welcome the Pan-Albanian Association of Ophthalmology (PAAO), representing Albanian-speaking ophthalmologists from countries around the world. Founded in 2014, it is dedicated to strengthening eye care through education, training, and research activities. Under the leadership of President, Prof. Pajtim Lutaj, the PAAO held its first Congress in June 2022 with the theme “Diabetic Retinopathy from A to Z”.
“We are so pleased to welcome the Pan-Albanian Association of Ophthalmology to our World Alliance for Sight,” says ICO President, Professor Neeru Gupta. “The ICO looks forward to further engaging our Albanian colleagues as we work together to advance eye care globally.”
With more than 180 national, regional, and subspecialty member societies and organisations from around the world, the ICO represents a dynamic global ophthalmology community. To join the ICO community, please contact [email protected].
Në vëmendje :
Prezantimet do të bëhen në anglisht dhe shqip me përkthim simultan .
Abstraktet duhet të dorëzohen përpara datës 30 maj 2022.
Si rregull abstraktet duhen të jenë te limituara deri në 2500 gërma.
Titulli i abstraktit nuk duhet te kalojë 130 gërma.
Titulli duhet te ketë lidhje me temën e kongresit ;Retinopatinë Diabetike.
Cdo pjesemarrës nuk lejohet te prezantojë më shumë se deri në dy tema.
Format e prezantimit
Leksion nga profesorët e ftuar 15-30 min
Prezantim i lirë: 10 min + 3 min pyetje -përgjigje ,diskutim .